My Journey with the bees has been a truly magical one. It all began when I read a book called "The Shamanic Way Of The Bee" by Simon Buxton."
I was on a quest for my own healing at the time and had travelled to Thailand and India seeking a spiritual path to follow. It wasn't until I found 'The Path Of Pollen' (the Bee shaman tradition from Eastern Europe) that my journey really began.
I trained on this path for 3 years with the Sacred Trust in Dorset studying the practices that had been passed down from many generations. I was part of an amazing sisterhood, sharing deep ritual and ceremony.
I have woven my experiences as an initiate of the Path Of Pollen, Natural Beekeeper and intuitive Bodyworker( over 20 years experience) to step into this new phase of work as a channel for the voice of the bees.
I feel their breathe and light inside me, and I am passionate to share this with you.
15-minute FREE Shamanic Bee Journey Consultation.
Would you like to find out how I can help you and more about what I do?
Why not book a FREE 15-minute discovery call so that we can get to know
each other a little more. Just email me at belinda@thevoiceofthebees.com