February 2023
The Totnes Brightsky hub will be meeting on the 9th Of February, at the Totnes Natural Health Centre the Plains.TQ9. 7.30 -9.30pm.
Come and make a heart connection with local therapist, artists and changemakers. Call 07754-779-282 to find out more.
Karrie Dashwood is running a drumming circle at the Natural Health Centre. starting March 26th. Call Karrie on 07814-827690
These will be monthly sessions on a Friday evenings 6.45pm-9.30pm
Dates 24/3/23/ 22/4/23/ 19/5/23 23/6/23
Totnes Sharefest 29th Ap
Drumming with karrie. 22/4
Drumming with Karrie.19/5
Drumming with Karrie 26/6
The Power of Self-Love online course
.Benefits of Joining this course.

I am sharing this because, over the past four years I have been coming into more alignment with my self –love. I did this journey mainly on my own, however, There is no need for you to do this, I can offer you a more easeful way to do this
Through Bee wisdom, art and journaling.
I am an experienced space holder, with over 20 years of being in talking circles when I lived in Brighton. I also have 8 years of experience with running guided bee visualisations.
Please ask any questions you may have over the course if you are not clear about anything, please contact me privately.
The 3 sessions are created for you follow a journey from finding out what self- love means to you at a deeper level.
On this course,
I am offering you a safe space where you can be received in a loving and understanding group.I
will be offering meditations, visualisations inspired by my work with Bee Shamanism.
There will also be an opportunity to journal and I will offer an art session at the end of the course.
This will be face to face. Venue T.B.A
If you would like to know more about this course please contact me by email bluebellinindia@gmail.com
or book a discovery session with me on calendly https://calendly.com/event_types/user/me
This is a pilot course, so it is low cost at the moment.
The whole course is £66 for three two hours online sessions.
Please book in advance
Email me email bluebellinindia@gmail.com
and I will send Bacs details.
You can also pay by paypal me @ bluebellinindai@gmail.com
15-minute FREE Shamanic Bee Journey Consultation.
Would you like to find out how I can help you and more about what I do?
Why not book a FREE 15 - minute discovery call so that we can get to know
each other a little more. Just email me at belinda@thevoiceofthebees.com