I had no idea I was a bee communicator. It started to happen when I got my own bee hive
about ten years ago. I would hum near the hive, and occasionally a bee would come out and land on my hand.
I was not afraid of being stung, because I knew that bees only sting when they feel in danger.
When I was holding the bee I hummed, I imagined my heart and womb space being connected to the bee through this humming. It felt as though I was talking to the bee, and she felt relaxed enough to stay on my hand. This was such a beautiful experience.
When I offer my shamanic harmonic bodywork treatments, this is the zone I go into. I imagine the beautiful, safe and healing connection I have with the bees. One bee is connected to, and represents, the whole hive. The hive presents a unity, this unity is vibrating at the highest frequency of love.
For this reason, I hum when I am offering my treatments, the healing vibration comes through and from my heart and womb space. I feel buzzing in my hands, and my heart fills with joy.
During the treatment, my body works as a tuning fork as the buzzing comes through my hands. I place my hands on the client's body, sometimes I see visions, and I channel messages or sounds from the bee spirit.
Some client's feel the buzzing come through my hands and into their body. This is the high vibrational frequency of the bee spirit.
In addition to all this, I use a tuning fork, which is tuned into middle C and is the same as the bee frequency, which I use on the heart space and other areas of the upper body to release pain and tension in the muscles and and joints.
The frequency of the tuning fork is 136.10 Hz and is so good for soothing anxiety and grounding a busy mind, and seems to melt physical or emotional pain.
This shamanic harmonic bodywork is a whole healing experience, which takes you to a place of regulation and relaxation, to create balance in your whole system.
Please contact me if you would like to know more.
I work from my home in Totnes,Devon.
Contact Details
0775 779282.
